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About 4C Maroc

4C Maroc is a national platform for dialogue and capacity building for the various actors and a hub for climate change information open to its regional, African and international environment. In its actions, priority will be given to supporting the National Commission on Climate Change, the 4 Colleges of 4C Maroc, and the 3 Climate Commissions in Africa.



Morocco's Climate Plan in its completion phase


Climate change poses serious challenge towards achieving SDGs

The contribution of the Kingdom of Morocco to fight against climate change

Morocco has experienced substantial economic and social development within the context of climate change that has an impact on all sectors. Aware of this situation, Morocco has voluntarily and resolutely engaged in a process to combat global warming.

“...By being actively involved in projects centered on Africa, the Kingdom of Morocco is, today, contributing to bringing new partners on board, both public and private, as well as structuring governance mechanisms.

My country will also lead an African climate expertise network, through the Climate Change Competence Center based in Morocco...”


Excerpt from His Majesty King Mohammed VI speech at the opening of the "African Summit for Action" on 16 November 2016 in Marrakech.



Analysis of observed climate trends and high resolution scenarios for the 21st century in Morocco

Assessing the evidence, migration, environnement and climate change in Morocco

Climate Change Financing and Aid Effectiveness : Morocco Case Study

Contact us

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Avenue Al Araa, Secteur 16 Villa A4, Hay Riad à Rabat

+212 537 571 448


Climate Initiative Platform 4C Maroc

Realized by the Climate Change Competence Center 4C Maroc with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP- Morocco) within the framework of the Operational Reinforcement project of 4C Morocco (RO4C), the Climate Initiative platform represents a means of exchange of experience to mobilize the various actors concerned by the fight against climate change. The platform aims to highlight all the initiatives to fight climate change in order to adopt new lifestyles, change habits, and transform economies.

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