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Morocco's Climate Plan in its completion phase


The Morocco Climate Plan, a framework defining the national climate action policy, is now "in its completion phase", said Thursday in Abidjan, the director of the Climate Change Competence Centre (4C Maroc), Ms. Rajae Chafil. "This plan, which is supposed to bring together all of Moroccan policy in terms of climate action, has entered its completion phase in recent days", she said during the 1st structured dialogue on common and concerted achievement objectives set in the framework of "Nationally determined Contributions", a joint initiative of the African Development Bank (AfDB) and United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa). 

This plan, she said, is based on five major pillars. According to the Moroccan official, this involves strengthening climate governance at all levels, building resilience to climate risks and accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy. It is also a question, according to Ms. Chafil, of strengthening human, technological and financial capacities and, finally, of including territories in the climate dynamic and doing everything for the territories to integrate into the national climate dynamic. 

Developing this last pillar relating to the "territorialization of climate policies", the common thread of the Abidjan meeting, the director of the 4C Maroc highlighted that it recommends ensuring sober and resilient development at the territorial level. 

"All of the local authorities must be part of an approach enabling the national objectives to be met in the fight against climate change and therefore that efforts must be made in the first place by these communities", she explained. , adding that it is thus important to encourage territorial appropriation to successfully operationalize the National Climate Plan. With regard to the sober and resilient development of the territories, three "very precise" measures are thus recommended, she continued, indicating that it is first of all a question of establishing the imperatives of integrated management of climate change in the planning process. Second, continued Ms. Chafil, it is appropriate to generalize the development and implementation of regional climate plans (PCR) and city climate plans (PCV). It is also a question, she went on, of improving territorial knowledge on climate change by strengthening skills in order to help territorial entities fulfill their commitments in terms of combating climatic changes. In addition to the director of the 4C Maroc, Morocco was represented at the Abidjan meeting by the vice-president of the Moroccan Association of Presidents of Communal Councils, Yacine Daoudi and the person responsible for Adaptation to climate change at the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Environnement. 

The Structured Dialogue on the joint and concerted achievement of the objectives set in the framework of the (CDNs), whose work opened on Wednesday, is intended as a platform dedicated to exchange and cooperation between African national and local authorities in with a view to achieving climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives. 

Representatives of municipalities and local authorities meet for two days to explore opportunities for collaboration and mutual assistance with the aim of accelerating Africa's efforts on the path of sustainable development, concerned with the environment and resilient to climatic hazards.

Source : 4C Maroc
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