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Integration of climate change into public policies


Morocco has embarked on a voluntary approach to fight global warming, gradually drawing the contours of its own vision well defined in its Climate Change Policy (PCCM, 2014) and more formally, in its first Determined Contribution at the National level (NDC Morocco, 2015), while complying with decisions taken internationally.

Certain sectors and territories have, in fact, made significant progress in integrating the challenges of climate change into their policies and strategies, but there is still a long way to go as evidenced by various studies carried out to analyze certain policies with regard to their taking into account climate considerations.

It is in this context that the 4C Maroc center is organizing, in collaboration with Ministry of Energy, Mines and Environnement, the FAO and the UNDP, a workshop on "the systematic integration of climate change into public policies".

The objective of this workshop is to strengthen the capacities of the actors concerned on the tools and methods for the integration of climate change in the design of future policies or the revision of those in progress.

Source : 4C Maroc
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