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Final press release from the 2018-2030 PIC-RS financing round table


On February 26, 2019 was held, in the Margou room of the Hotel Gawèye in Niamey in Niger, the round table on the financing of the Climate Investment Plan for the Sahel Region (PIC-RS 2018-2030) and of the Priority Program to Catalyze Climate Investments in the Sahel (PPCI 2020-2025). The round table was organized by the Government of the Republic of Niger on behalf of the Climate Commission for the Sahel Region with the support of the African Development Bank (AfDB), Lead Partner of the Technical and Financial Partners of the PIC- RS. 

The round table took place in three (3) sessions: an opening session, a communications and announcements session and a closing session. The delegations of the following member countries took part in this round table: Bénin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Gambie, Guinée , Mali, Mauritanie, Niger,Sénégal, Soudan and Tchad. Also present were delegations from the following partner countries : the Kingdom of Morocco (Founding partner of the CCRS), the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, Gabon (Country Coordinator of CAHOOSCC) and Congo (Country Coordinator of the Congo Basin Climate Commission). 

Also, the delegations of the following institutions and funding agencies and organizations took part in the Round Table: the African Development Bank (AfDB), the World Bank (WB), the Coordination of the United Nations System in Niger, the European Union (EU), the French Development Agency (AFD), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (FIDA), the Climate Change Competence Center of Morocco (4C Maroc), the Francophone Institute for Sustainable Development (IFDD), the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), the Integrated Development Authority of the Liptako Gourma States (ALG), the Niger Basin Authority (ABN), the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) , the Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS), the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), the Pan African Agency for the Great Green Wall (APGMV), ECOWAS, the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, SOS Sahel France, the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River (OMVS), the UN Environment, the FAO, the ECOWAS Development and Investment Bank (EBID), G5 Sahel, Swiss Cooperation, the Research Institute for Development (IRD), CIRAD, ARDN and RESAD-Niger and France. 

The opening ceremony was chaired by HE Mr. BrigiRafini, Prime Minister, Head of the Government of Niger, in the presence of the Ministers and experts from the member countries of the Climate Commission for the Sahel Region as well as from the Kingdom of Morocco, members of the Government of Niger, sub-regional and regional institutions and representatives of technical and financial partners. The opening of the Round Table was marked by the important address by H.E.M. 

BrigiRafini, Prime Minister, Head of Government, preceded by interventions by representatives of the African Development Bank and France. In his opening address, HE BrigiRafini, Prime Minister, Head of Government, thanked the technical and financial partners for their participation in this important round table. The Prime Minister dwelt on ICP RS, PRP and ICPC, before inviting the technical and financial partners to support the Sahel Region to finance priority actions identified. The various guests welcomed the initiative of the Climate Commission for the Sahel Region to organize the Round Table. 

They appreciated the relevance of the vision and orientations as well as the quality of the documents presented. During their interventions, several Heads of Delegation and representatives of the partners reaffirmed their adherence to the PIC-RS and the PPCI. They also specified their funding contributions to support the implementation of the Priority Program to Catalyze Climate Investments in the Sahel. To this end, the Round Table has recorded pledges of contribution of the order of US $ 3.41 billion for an expressed need of US $ 1.32 billion, thus ensuring very largely the coverage of financing needs for the implementation of the PPCI. Registered contributions are declined in the order of the announcements as follows:

 - World Bank: 1.5 billion US dollars; 

- European Union: 750 million euros; 

- France: 250 million euros; 

- AfDB: 1.3 billion USD including 500 million USD for the PPCI 

- IFAD: US $ 200 million; 

- Swiss cooperation: 75 million US dollars. 

In addition, the Kingdom of Morocco has undertaken to take charge of the feasibility studies as a prelude to the implementation of the Climate Investment Plan and has announced that the Commission will be able to count on the support of the Climate Change Competence Center of Morocco (4C Maroc), particularly in terms of capacity building for its members. Similarly, FAO, UN Environment, CIF, IFDD and the regional and subregional institutions present reiterated their availability to support the implementation of the PIC-RS and the PPCI. The Technical and Financial partners have also encouraged the member countries of the Climate Commission for the Sahel Region to set up a consultation framework with the PTFs, a framework that should ensure the coherence and synergy of the various interventions. Also, they encouraged them to redouble their efforts to mobilize climate finance through the various mechanisms and dedicated entities of the private sector. In addition, the TFPs have encouraged countries to pay particular attention to Agro-Ecology as an approach promoting resilient agriculture. In addition, in accordance with the decisions of the 1st Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Commission, the member states have committed to contribute up to 10% to the financing of the PPCI in the form of counterpart. The Government of Niger thanks, on behalf of all member and partner countries of the Climate Commission for the Sahel Region, the African Development Bank and FAO for their coordinating role in the preparation of this round table and the mobilization of others partners. In addition, the Government of Niger to thank on behalf of all members and the Climate Commission's partner countries in the Sahel region, the participants technical and financial partners for their trust and commitment. In conclusion, all parties welcomed the success of the Round Table work and recommend the establishment of an effective follow-up mechanism for the implementation of the announcements. 

Done in Niamey, on February 26, 2019 The round table

Source : 4C Maroc
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