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4C Maroc 2019 action plan


The 2019 action plan of the Climate Change Competence Center (4C Maroc) places great emphasis on capacity-building activities in the field of combating climate change concerning the 4 Colleges that make up this Center (Sectors: public, private, civil society and research), indicates the Department of Environment. 

The same interest is also given to capacity building actions in favor of African countries members of the 3 Climate Commissions in Africa, within the framework of strengthening South-South cooperation, according to a press release made public after the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of 4C Maroc, held Monday in Rabat under the chairmanship of the Ms. Rajae Chafil the director of 4C Maroc, in the presence of the Minister of Energy, Mines and Environment Mr. Aziz Rabbah.

At the opening of the work of this meeting, it was recalled recalled the Royal High Orientations which designate the 4C Maroc center to play a central role in supporting the 3 Climate Commissions in Africa, created on the initiative of HM the King Mohammed VI at the African Action Summit organized on the sidelines of COP22 in Marrakech in 2016, adds the same source. It was also recalled in this regard the royal message to February 25, 2019 to participants in the 1st Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Climate Commission of the Sahel, in which the Sovereign announced that "The Kingdom of Morocco undertakes to take charge of the feasibility studies to finalize this Climate Investment Plan", arguing that "the Commission can count on the Climate Change Competence Center of Morocco: 4C Morocco, particularly in matters capacity building for its members ”. During the meeting, the members of the Board of Directors were informed about the progress of the various projects initiated by the Center with a group of donors and international development agencies, namely : the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and German International Cooperation (GIZ). In the same context and in order to strengthen this cooperation, the Board of Directors agreed to initiate the procedure for ratifying partnership agreements with international institutions similar to 4C, in this case the OURANOS Center of Canada and the African Center of Climate and Sustainable Development in Rome, created by the Group of Seven Countries (G7). 

During this Council, marked by the presentation of the 2018 assessment and the 2019 action plan, it was also decided to continue the process of consolidating the institutional organization of the center and strengthening its human and financial resources to enable it to implement its 2019 action plan and honor its national, African and international commitments. In this context, the Centre's governance bodies have been strengthened by the establishment of the Strategic Orientation Committee (COS-4C Maroc), the 13 members of which represent ministerial departments, public institutions, the private sector, the research and civil society were elected at this meeting. 

The college “expertise, research, training”, chaired by the Institute for Research in Solar Energy and New Energies (IRESEN) and the college “Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations” was also structured, and the process was launched for the organization of colleges "public and semi-public" and "private sector", according to the same source. 

The General Assembly of 4C Maroc adopted the 2019 Action Plan which also provides for the establishment of a "Territories Commission" to further support the territories in the formulation of climate resilient development policies, while instructing the designated COS to rule on an effective institutional governance structure up to the ambitions of this Center, concludes the press release. The 4C Maroc Center is currently in the process of being designated as "UNESCO Category 2 Center".

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